And we got ourselves a new version of concrete5. We've had to wait a few months this time, but the changes are quite "big". One of them is that the core team’s "Calendar" add-on is now available in the core. The bugfix list is also quite huge. Better get this update while it's hot guys.
Major New Features
- The core team’s Calendar add-on is now available in the core! It’s much improved from the version in the marketplace. It includes:
- The ability to add multiple calendars to your site
- Join pages to calendar events
- Calendar events are a separate data model from pages.
- Custom attributes on calendars
- Event List, Calendar and Calendar Event blocks
- Calendar and Calendar Event custom attributes.
- Detailed permissions at the calendar level.
- Workflow integration with calendar events.
- Version control for calendar events (!)
- A powerful recurring event model that works even with event versioning.
- Additionally, the core team’s Document Library add-on is now available in the core! The Document Library add-on lets you easily place a list of files on the front-end of your website. Filter by folder or file set, provide a simple search interface, control the styling of results and more.
Go to the full concrete5 8.3.0 release notes.
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